Wednesday, May 11

Grilled Lobster Tails

Last Saturday was one of those wonderfully lazy days where my boyfriend and I had no commitments to attend to. We treated ourselves to breakfast at Huckleberry (last mentioned here) and then walked next door to our favorite seafood market, Santa Monica Seafood. They had a great sale on lobster tails (which I last made on Valentine's Day), so we decided to treat ourselves to a fancy dinner in our pajamas. It was so much fun to sit at our breakfast nook, dip the lobster meat in melted butter, and toast each other with some Prosecco.

Grilled Lobster Tails:
  • Split three* lobster tails in half**, lightly brush the flesh side with canola oil, and season with salt.
  • Pre-heat your grill to medium.
  • Grill the tails, flesh side down, for 4-5 minutes, then flip and grill them shell side down for another 4 minutes.
  • Serve the tails with lemon wedges and melted butter.

Serves two
* The tails were on the small side, so we made 1.5 per person.
**Or have your fish monger do this for you.

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